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Save On Castle TSM-21 Pocket Cutter Online

you looking for low-priced Castle TSM-21 Pocket Cutter?

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Castle TSM-21 Pocket Cutter Overview

The TSM-21 cuts the patented, 6 degree Castle pocket. It is highly useful for everything from case construction and drawer box assembly to custom work and face frame construction. The TSM-21 clamps the stock, routs a pocket, and drills a pilot hole with a tap of the foot pedal. The Castle Pocket is free of splinters or sawdust so it is clean and immediately ready for construction. The TSM-21 is extremely durable and designed for use by professional cabinet makers

Castle TSM-21 Pocket Cutter Specification

  • Fast- One second cycle time for speedy production.
  • Safe- Two point Safety cycle -material is inserted, and footswitch is depressed.
  • Long life tooling that is inexpensive.
  • Works HP plastic laminate, particle board, MDF, melamine and solid wood.
  • Warranty- ONE FULL YEAR from date of purchase.

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