
postheadericon Kreg DB55 Foreman 3/4 HP Semi-Automatic Pneumatic Pocket Hole Machine

you looking for cheap Kreg DB55 Foreman 3/4 HP Semi-Automatic Pneumatic Pocket Hole Machine?

Best Cheap Kreg DB55 Foreman 3/4 HP Semi-Automatic Pneumatic Pocket Hole Machine Online Shop

before decision to buy, I searches on on-line so long time. So I gathered a store that sells Kreg DB55 Foreman 3/4 HP Semi-Automatic Pneumatic Pocket Hole Machine and compare prices to. Some online stores offers me fast shipping.

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Kreg DB55 Foreman 3/4 HP Semi-Automatic Pneumatic Pocket Hole Machine Overview

The semi-automatic FOREMAN features an electric drill motor and an adjustable clamping cylinder. To operate, simply position your material to be drilled and pull the lever forward. This motion activates the 3/4 hp drill motor and throws the clamping cylinder. Finish the drill stroke by continuing to pull on the lever and then return the lever to the home position.

Kreg DB55 Foreman 3/4 HP Semi-Automatic Pneumatic Pocket Hole Machine Specification

  • Powerful semi-automatic pneumatic pocket hole machine
  • Lever operated; 1-second cycle time
  • 3/4-horsepower pneumatic motor; automatic air clamping
  • 90-120 PSI recommended; minimum compressor capacity of 5.3 cfm at 90 PSI
  • Manufacturer's limited 30-day warranty

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